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Cardania is the name of the two continents to the east and the west, separated by the Cai'an Sea. The eastern continent is Askarn, the largest of the two. It's the most culturally diverse of the two continents, and is home to both the Kingdom of Askana and the Union of Khadar. The western continent is Erashia, which although it is smaller and less culturally diverse, it is also the most technologically advance of the two continents.
Kingdom of Askana
The Kingdom of Askana is the oldest continuous country of Cardania, and is considered one of the "Royal Sisters" alongside Erashia. It is the second-most populous of the countries, and is an absolute monarchy ruling with a singular ruler who does not share power with anyone else.
Modern Askana traces its origins to the Kazan Mass Exile of 1647, when the Kazans were forced from their home in Erashia and settled in the wilds alongside the Hawthorn River. The Kaz Shishoa, a group of respected and beloved Kazans said to be chosen by the gods settled at the Bay of Hawthorn, where they established the first settlement of modern Askana: Harav, known as Haraveton in the present day.
The term "askana" has been in use since at least the 1300s, although its exact origins are unknown. Scholars assume it refers to the Runash term uskan, meaning marshland.