
because if you die running, at least you knew what it was like to run

So, who I am? I'm Basalamander, but you can call me a variety of things. Most people just call me Octo or Sabel, but I definitely don't mind any other variations of those names! I got by they/bun/he pronouns (in that order), but basically anything except for she/it are fine to use on me. I'm mainly using this site as a place to dump all of my writing information and more. It's just a fun little playground for me to practice html/css, and to have a place where I can store information instead of having various links all in different places. I've always dreamed of having my own website like this every since I listened to my older siblings talk about how great Geocities were, and now it's my time to shine.

I'm a 20-year-old third-year college student studying music liberal arts and psychology with the hopes to go into psychological research. I started writing when I was about 6 or 7 years old, making stories around the roleplays I would do on Animal Jam. My roleplaying goes alongside my writing as the two are very intertwined for me, and they both inspire each other. I've always loved to explore themes of war and trauma, even when I was younger, in my stories. As a black person, most of my original characters for my stories feature people who look like or similar to myself.


My content may feature the following sensitive subjects: bigotry (queerphobia, racism, sexism), torture, child abuse and neglect, cults and brainwashing, nonconsensual relationships or sexual situations (that may or may not include minors and/or result in pregnancy), kidnapping, and more. If these topics make you uncomfortable in any way, please proceed with caution across my site and my writing. I write plenty of dark content that I may or may not post, so it is up to you whether or not you wish to view that content or not. I believe that fiction is a great way to explore these topics in a safe, and healthy environment.


My Hero Academia | Warriors | Code Geass | Pokèmon

